Given the compromised state of most governments in the Bvlgari replica watches face of corporate-style capitalism, it is unlikely that our governments will impose the necessary changes. Which means we’re in the hot seat, but collectively, we can convert that into the driver’s seat.How do you think this year’s Mountainfilm theme of species extinction plays into a larger discussion of our society and our future?We are at a pivotal moment in terms of our relationship to the very systems that keep us alive. Extinctions are merely symptoms of a greater ill. Insofar as attention to this subject guides us toward root causes and effective, appropriate action, I think it’s valuable. The more vectors we approach this by the better.
What does the loss of biodiversity mean for the world’s human population?It depends on the scale of time you want to use. In the short-term, very little. Tissot replica watches Most of us already live in places where the biodiversity has been radically reduced, cities being the obvious example. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, where food, shelter and safety are at the top, loss of species – for most humans – is down there with ‘What color socks should I buy?’In the long term, however, this ongoing disruption of the natural order will impact the quality of human life in more ways than we can possibly imagine because so many of the species and systems currently being lost or degraded are interdependent – acidification of the oceans and the loss of pollinating insects being two dire examples. When you remove species, or alter the systems in which they live, weird, often unpleasant, things happen.
Just look at the current collapse of Canada’s Pacific salmon fishery, which is being hastened by salmon farming.Ultimately, the loss of biodiversity will lead to the impoverishment of our experience as humans at every level, from the practical to the spiritual. Northeast China is a good example: everything that once grew, flew, swam or replica iluxury watches walked there has been pretty much wiped out. Manchuria’s rich and intricate ecosystem (which, until recently, included tigers and leopards) has been replaced by a steadily growing number of humans who work very hard to produce basic foods on increasingly poor soil in desolate surroundings. China is a preview.